Since May 7, 1958, the Flin Flon Library Board has led the non-profit municipal library known as the Flin Flon Public Library.
The Library Board consists of seven members, four members at large, and three members who represent three of the four communities that provide joint operating grants for the Library (The City of Flin Flon, MB, the Town of Creighton, SK, and the Northern Village of Denare Beach, SK).
At-large Flin Flon Library Board Members are appointed for two-year terms, and the Flin Flon, Creighton, and Denare Beach Board Members are appointed January 1st of each year.
Operating under the Government of Manitoba’s The Public Libraries Act, the Flin Flon Library Board meets a minimum of six times per year and governs, supervises, controls, operates and manages the Flin Flon Public Library.
Click to view the City of Flin Flon's By-Law about The Library Board (By-Law No. 2021-02)
William (Bill) Hanson, Chairperson & City of Flin Flon Representative
Rebecca (Becky) Hyska, Vice-Chairperson
Tim Spencer, Secretary/Treasurer
Val Dixon, Town of Creighton Representative
June Reed, Village of Denare Beach Representative
Judy Pettersen, Board Member
Judith MacGowan, Board Member