NOTE: You can sign up anytime for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten.
The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is simple: read books to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 books before kindergarten. This might sound like a lot, but keep in mind that reading one book a day to your child adds up to 365 books per year.
Reading has been associated as an early indicator of academic success, and numerous studies estimate that as many as one in five children have difficulties learning to read. Before public school begins in Kindergarten, parents and caregivers are the first education providers during the critical years of 0-5 years old.
1. Sign your child up for a library card by filling out the form below (scroll down).
2. Pick up your child’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten package at the library. The package contains their reading log and a tote bag for their books.
3. Read with your child. Reading helps develop your child’s brain, ability to focus, concentration, social skills and communication skills. It also helps develop early childhood literacy by helping your child learn sounds, words and language.
4. Make reading a daily habit. Fit reading into your bedtime routine, an after nap activity, or something you do after morning play. However you fit your reading in, if you read at the same time every day, it will become habit, and a relaxing and important part of your daily schedule.
5. Keep track of the titles of the books that you read with your child. Make a record of what you are reading in your 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten log book or on the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten App (for Apple or Android devices).
6. Pick up the prizes to help your child stay motivated. For every 25 books read, your child can pick a small prize. For every 100 books read, your child gets a necklace tag, reading certificate, a sticker for their My Book Badges page in their reading log, and a prize.
7. Make visiting the library a habit. Variety is the spice of life, and it’s true of reading, too. If you make the library a habit, your child will never be bored reading the same book twice.
8. Keep a record of any book being read to your child. This includes books read by teachers, grandparents, caregivers, and siblings.
Online membership is as easy as one, two, three:
1) Fill out and submit the online membership form below.
2) You will fill out the top portion of the form as yourself (as the parent)- but an account will NOT be created for you.
We need your name, address and phone number to use as the contact for your child’s account, as well as an alternate contact for your child.
3) Library staff will process your form and email you when your child’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten package is ready for pickup at the library.
Memberships are renewed every two years.
If you are a non-resident in our area (read more about that HERE), your child’s account will be free, even if you don’t have an adult account that is paid for.
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